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Taking your first steps with XYO? Try out the following demo and read more about what XYO can do.

Your first node

The following CodeSandbox demonstrates an XYO Node.

A Node is a container that house Sentinels, Bridges, Archivists, and Diviners. (More on those, next!)

Right now, the Node is empty and has a custom name. Try editing "YOUR-NODE-NAME" and see what happens!

Next, try uncommenting the following lines of code:

Tip: All Modules in "yourModules" need a comma between them. Keep the leading comma in the Archivist Module line, otherwise you'll receive a bug!

  1. Archivist — An Archivist is where Bound Witness and Payload data is stored. A shared, hosted, or self-hosted archivist can be used. It is even possible to run an archivist on the same device as the Sentinel and Bridge.
  2. Witness — A Witness captures real-world data. Also known
  3. Bridge — A Bridge transfers Bound Witness and payload data form Sentinels to an Archivist. In many cases, the same device that is running the Sentinel also acts as the Bridge.

Need a quick reminder on what's what? The Glossary can help you out!


We've created a few more exercises to teach you more about ways you can implement XYO.


Explore our demos on or on our GitHub.


Need a quick reminder on what's what? The Glossary can help you out!