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Looking for a quick reminder on definitions or usages for XYO technology? You're in the right place.

(Glossary expansion coming soon! 🚧)


A container that house Sentinels, Bridges, Archivists, and Diviners. It is a Module which also contains Modules. Nodes act as a Module Namespace ensuring uniqueness within a subset of the XYO Network.


A digital or physical device that collects data of some sort. Sentinels structure the data they collect into a series of Bound Witness Blocks. This is called a Proof of Origin Chain. Some examples of Sentinels might be:

  • An NFC chip that counts phone scans every time you tap it to your phone
  • A smart-watch that records your heart rate
  • A thermomenter that collects real-world temperature data


A Bridge transfers Bound Witness and payload data form Sentinels to an Archivist. In many cases, the same device that is running the Sentinel also acts as the Bridge. Some examples of Bridges might be:

  • A computer
  • A smartphone
  • A Raspberry Pi


An Archivist is where Bound Witness and Payload data is stored. A shared, hosted, or self-hosted archivist can be used. It is even possible to run an archivist on the same device as the Sentinel and Bridge.


A Diviner is used to view data and information that is stored in one or more Archivists.


A Module is an account or wallet with autonomous functionality and can be thought of as somewhat analogous to smart contracts. Modules encapsulate the components of the XYO Network (Archivists, Diviners, Bridges, etc.) while providing a standardized way to enable discoverability, communication, and security. Modules have a defined set of query payloads that they take action on and provide a cryptographically signed response.

Bound Witness Blocks​

A series of blocks that contain the data collected by a Sentinel.

Proof of Origin​

Proof of Origin Chain​